Health-Promoting Benefits of Astaxanthin to Lower the Risk of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

Health-Promoting Benefits of Astaxanthin to Lower the Risk of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Do you feel fatigued for quite too often? Do you experience chest and abdominal pains? Do rashes and mouth sores appear every so often?
These are some of the most common symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases. Several factors may lead to chronic inflammation. Injuries and infections that you failed to treat can cause acute inflammation.
The same thing goes if you have long-term exposure to certain irritants. Extensive exposure to air pollution and industrial chemicals can also trigger chronic inflammatory diseases.
Also, some people have autoimmune disorders. In turn, their immune systems attack their healthy tissues mistakenly. But in some cases, the underlying causes may remain unclear.
Unfortunately, failing to address these causes may result in serious complications. But thankfully, there are gifts from nature that can help lower your risk of chronic inflammatory diseases. And one of which is Astaxanthin.
What is Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that you can find naturally in certain plants, as well as animals. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps slow down oxidation.
Oxidation is a natural process in the body that contributes to the development of various diseases. Some of the more serious illnesses oxidation contributes to include heart disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.
However, taking antioxidants like Astaxanthin can help reduce the oxidative process.
How Astaxanthin Reduces Chronic Inflammation
As a powerful antioxidant, Astaxanthin can help reduce chronic inflammation in its different forms. Studies reveal that Astaxanthin can help relieve inflammation such as carpal tunnel syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis.
Furthermore, other studies note that the algae that produce Astaxanthin impeded the production of skin cancer and breast cancer cells.
And because of its antioxidant properties, it may slow down the oxidation in the brain. In turn, it can protect you from developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
As for people with heart issues, Astaxanthin may help keep plaque from building up in your arteries. And for people who may suffer from a heart attack, Astaxanthin may help protect the heart muscles from further damage due to lack of oxygen.
Astaxanthin: Where Can You Get It?
As we mentioned earlier, certain plants and animals carry this antioxidant. For starters, you can find Astaxanthin in various marine organisms. These include your salmon, crayfish, lobster, shrimp, trout, and crustaceans.
Interestingly, 4 ounces of sockeye salmon will give you about 4.5 milligrams of Astaxanthin.
But the best natural source for Astaxanthin is Haematococcus Pluvialis, a type of green microalga.
Importance of Astaxanthin and Other Antioxidants During COVID-19 Pandemic
And if you’re wondering about the benefits of taking Astaxanthin and other antioxidants during the pandemic, there are many. Taking antioxidants, whether through your diet or nutritional supplements can help boost your immunity.
Unfortunately, not everyone gets to enjoy a well-balanced diet. Not everyone gets all the essential nutrients and antioxidants the body needs. Thus, the value of health supplements rich in antioxidants has never been more important.
Enjoy the Benefits of Astaxanthin and Virgin Coconut Oil in NutraBod!
Thankfully, you can enjoy the health benefits of Astaxanthin through NutraBod. By taking one FDA-approved soft gel capsule of NutraBod daily, you can get your dose of Astaxanthin and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).
Like Astaxanthin, VCO also helps your heart health by lowering your bad cholesterol. It also improves brain function boosts your energy for the day.
Experience the benefits of VCO and antioxidants. Take your NutraBod capsule, today!